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Registered Diettian Celeste Lavallee nutrition plans

One:One Nutrition Plans

For top performance in life and sport

Virtual services are offered in Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, and Yukon.

​Check with your health insurance provider, wellness spending account

or employer to see if you can be reimbursed for dietitian services.

​Get started with a myBase, myDNA or myEvent Plan

or find follow-up services.


Not sure what service to select?

Click here to book a 15-minute phone call with Celeste at myRD for guidance.

Or call or text (587) 885-2901 - please leave a message as we may be in a consult.

myBase Plan

Choose a plan

myRD nutrition plans


Program length


2 consults

myBase Plan

What and when you eat can make the winning difference when it comes to energy, health and sport performance! I work with you to build a custom nutrition plan that fits all aspects of your life and ensures optimal fueling and recovery.

Are looking for myBase Plan with myEvent Plan? Start with myBase Plan and save $50 on myEvent Plan.


  • One initial online consult (75 minutes)

  • One online follow-up consult (75 minutes)

  • Nutrient analysis to learn what you are doing well and what to change

  • Nutrition plan to help you learn your daily needs based on your activity

  • Recovery nutrition plan to meet your energy, protein, and fluid needs

  • Two days of sample menus

New clients

Current or returning clients: login to book this service.

Please note

The cost of the plan is charged in full at the initial consult.

myRD nutrition plans


Program length


2 consults

myDNA Plan

Optimize your nutrition for health and sport performance, based on your genes! Learn how the unique genes that make up your DNA interact with the nutrients you eat, and which foods to eat to meet your performance or body composition goals.

Are looking for myDNA Plan with myEvent Plan? Start with myDNA Plan and save $50 on myEvent Plan.


  • One Nutrigenomix (70-gene) DNA test and electronic report 

  • One initial online consult (75 minutes)

  • One online follow-up consult to review your nutrition plan and DNA report (90 minutes) 

  • Nutrient analysis showing you where you are or aren't meeting your needs, based on your genes

  • Nutrition plan to help you learn your daily needs tailored to your DNA and based on your activity

  • Recovery nutrition plan to meet your energy, protein, and fluid needs

  • Two days of sample menus

New clients

Current or returning clients: login to book this service.

Please note

A non-refundable fee of $400 (covers the cost of the DNA test kit

and an admin fee) is charged to your credit card once your order is processed. 

The remainder is charged at the initial consult.

Refunds cannot be given for DNA test kit, and results from DNA testing cannot be provided without a dietitian consult. The DNA testing portion of the fee ($348) may be eligible for reimbursement through a Wellness Spending Plan, but is typically not covered by health insurance plans. Ask your insurance provider about "genetic testing for personalized nutrition".

myRD nutrition plans


Program length


8 weeks

myEvent Plan

Make sure your nutrition and hydration plan are fine-tuned for your event or the days leading up to it with help from myRD! Whether you need to carb-load during a taper, safely make weight, or plan a fueling strategy for your event, Celeste will work with you to develop, test and fine-tune your nutrition and hydration plan.

This plan should begin at least 8 weeks before your 'A' event. The sooner you start, the more you can practice!

Clients with myBase or myDNA Plans save $50 on myEvent Plan.


  • One online consult (45 minutes) to get started

  • 8 weeks of unlimited support and regular check-ins via secure online messaging

  • myBase Plan or myDNA Plan clients: receive an updated nutrient analysis after 4 and 8 weeks to see how the changes you've made are helping you meet your needs

New clients

Current or returning clients: login to book this service.

Please note

The cost of the plan is charged in full at the consult.

myRD nutrition plans


Program length


Monthly recurring

mySupport Plan

Set yourself up for success with ongoing nutrition coaching. Your nutrition plans will be updated as your goals, energy needs, life or training schedule change.

This recurring plan is for clients with a myBase, myDNA, or myEvent Plan.


  • Ongoing and unlimited support and regular check-ins via secure online messaging

  • myBase Plan or myDNA Plan clients can get an updated nutrient analysis at the end of each month to see how the changes you've made are helping you meet your needs

Current or returning clients

Please note

This service is charged on a recurring basis on

 the same date each month. Cancel anytime with 72 hours notice. 

Refunds are not given for partial months not used.

myRD nutrition plans


Program length


1 consult


When your goals, energy needs, life or training schedule change your nutrition plan may need to change with them. See the progress you've made and get an updated nutrition and recovery plan!

This update is for clients with a myBase or myDNA Plan.


  • One online consult (30 minutes)

  • A review of your food tracker or journal and life changes

  • Nutrient analysis to see how changes you made are helping you meet your needs

  • An updated nutrition and recovery plan

Current or returning clients

Please note

The cost of the plan is charged in full at the consult.

myRD nutrition plans


Program length


2 consults

myUpdate with myDNA Plan

Add a nutrigenomics DNA test and get an updated nutrition plan tailored to your DNA!

This is an add-on service for clients with a myBase Plan. You nutrition plan will be updated based on the results of your nutrigenomics results.


  • One Nutrigenomix (70-gene) DNA test and electronic report

  • One online consult (30 minutes) to review your food tracker or journal and life changes

  • One online follow-up consult (45 minutes) to review your updated nutrition plan and DNA report

  • Nutrient analysis to see how changes you made are helping you meet your needs, based on your genes

  • An updated nutrition and recovery plan tailored to your DNA

Current or returning clients

Please note

A non-refundable fee of $400 (covers the cost of the DNA test kit

and an admin fee) is charged to your credit card once your order is processed. 

The remainder is at the first consult as part of the package.

Refunds cannot be given for DNA test kit, and results from DNA testing cannot be provided without a dietitian consult. The DNA testing portion of the fee ($348) may be eligible for reimbursement through a Wellness Spending Plan, but is typically not covered by health insurance plans. Ask your insurance provider about "genetic testing for personalized nutrition".

myEvent Plan
myDNA Plan

All material copyright © 2024 by myRD.

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